Seventeen OUWB M3s inducted into Gold Humanism Honor Society
An image of the GHHS 2024 inductees


3月7日,100多人参加了第十届Faircloth医学人文主义晚会, both in-person on the campus of Oakland University and online.

该活动由365英国上市官网教育与人类服务学院(SEHS)联合主办,包括邀请365英国上市官网医学院的学生加入黄金人文主义荣誉协会(GHHS)(见侧栏)。, presentation of awards to students from the Department of Counseling, 并表彰伦纳德·托人道主义医学奖的获得者. 瑞秋E. Gross, an award-winning journalist, was guest speaker.

The evening is dedicated to Patrick Faircloth, Ph.D., an Oakland University alumnus, 谁为OUWB和SEHS创建了一笔基金,以确保学生学习沟通和人际交往技巧,作为他们成为富有同情心的医生的培训的一部分.

Christopher Carpenter, M.D., Stephan Sharf interim dean, 欢迎大家的到来,并表示很荣幸能够庆祝OUWB和SEHS之间的伙伴关系.

“(费尔布)在他父亲临终前的医学经历之后建立了这个基金……这些经历使他相信,医学专家将从学习加强沟通和人际交往能力中受益匪浅。,” said Carpenter. “今天晚上,我们致力于实现这一目标,这发生在OUWB成立之时.”

卡彭特感谢整个Faircloth家族对这次活动和GHHS入选者的支持, who he called “exemplars of humanism in service to others.”

‘Very humbling’

An image of the list of names of the GHHS inducteesJason Wasserman, Ph.D., 教授, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies and Department of Pediatrics, 对外开放银行和Faircloth协调员介绍了对外开放银行金牌人文主义荣誉协会分会的现任执行领导团队. 他们是M4s Adel Andemeskel, Oyinkansola Akinpelu和Divyani Patel -于2023年入选GHHS.

Patel explained that GHHS is a community of medical students, resident physicians, 以及那些对病人进行富有同情心的护理并被公认为榜样的教师, 导师, and leaders in medicine.

她说:“(GHHS)加强并支持了医学界人与人之间的联系。. “它鼓励人们朝着更大的社区服务目标努力,并领导真正促进医学人文主义的倡议.”

Inductees are nominated by their peers. For this year, OUWB的2025届毕业生被要求提名他们认为表现出同理心的病人护理,以及对人文主义和医学专业精神坚定不移的奉献.

Of those nominated, 30%的人被要求提交一份关于人文主义对他们意味着什么的个人陈述,以及一封医生的推荐信,该推荐信可以说明每个被提名人的临床技能和对社区的承诺.

最后, of those who submitted the requisite materials, half — or 17 — were chosen for induction by the OUWB GHHS executive board.

M3的苏哈尼·古普塔(Suhani Gupta)是入选者之一,她称这是“难以置信的荣誉”.”

“The values of compassion and humanism are my priority in medicine, and ones I strive to carry forward with me in every aspect of my life,” she said. “我很荣幸能成为这个社区的一员,并与我所知道的致力于为病人提供同理心护理的学生一起成长.”

An image of Suhani Gupta

Suhani Gupta, M3, was among the inductees.

Max Troyke, M3, also was inducted.

“It’s a very humbling honor to be here,” he said. “The classmates who are here with me are people I hold in very high esteem. It’s a very special feeling.”


“这些核心原则不仅在医学院很重要,”M3的杰奎琳·华雷斯说. “为了得到认可(作为GHHS的入选者),我们被要求达到更高的标准,并希望通过同情和同情来对待病人.”

M3的里玛·斯捷潘尼安(Rima Stepanian)也有类似的想法,她称入选“非常谦卑”.”

“(成为GHHS的入选者)真正回到了医学领域存在的核心原因……为他人服务,” she said.

M3的Alina Avetisyan说,进入GHHS对她来说是一个完整的循环时刻.

“回顾过去一年来我们与病人的所有经历,以及我们(作为医生)能够与病人建立联系并为社区服务的所有时刻……这让我想起了我为什么选择从事医学事业。,” she said.

‘Change is going to happen’

An image of 瑞秋E. Gross speakingAn image of 瑞秋E. Gross speaking

瑞秋E. Gross, a science journalist who has written for the likes of The New York Times, speaks during the Faircloth event.


This year it was 瑞秋E. Gross, a science journalist who has written for the likes of The New York Times.

Her presentation was called, “The Forgotten Organ: Anatomy, 医学, and the Marginalization of Female Sexuality.”

It examined the history of the clitoris in western medicine, how the crucial organ has been erased, 忽略了, and pathologized, and how that history has shaped today’s gynecological care.

“我确实希望让你感到不舒服,”她在演讲开始时说. “But also, perhaps make you laugh and think…maybe all at the same time.”

格罗斯向观众讲述了人们对阴蒂的理解历史,以及大多数人对阴蒂的误解, 注意到直到20世纪90年代才完成了第一次对器官的现代测绘.

她说,历史上普遍缺乏理解导致了“对患者的具体后果”, doctors and medical research.”


She applauded OUWB and SEHS for embracing the subject openly.

“与未来的医生、咨询师和护士交谈一直是我的梦想,因为我真的认为这是我所写的领域将要发生的变化,” said Gross.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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